intensifiers of comparatives in negative sentences

  1. The food wasn’t much better than I expected.
  2. The food wasn’t a lot better than I expected.
  3. The food wasn’t even better than I expected.
  4. The food wasn’t still better than I expected.
  5. The food wasn’t a little better than I expected.
  6. The food wasn’t a bit better than I expected.
    Which of the above sentences is NOT acceptable?
    Thank you very much for your reply.

Without further context only the first two make sense and sound natural.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, talks: A voice mail message providing hotel info[YSaerTTEW443543]

  1. The food wasn’t much better than I expected. [color=blue] OK

  2. The food wasn’t a lot better than I expected. [color=blue]OK

  3. The food wasn’t even better than I expected. [color=blue]Unlikely, but possible in just the right context.

  4. The food wasn’t still better than I expected. [color=blue]No

  5. The food wasn’t a little better than I expected. [color=blue]Extremely unlikely.

  6. The food wasn’t a bit better than I expected. [color=blue]OK (This suggests to me that you expected the food to be bad and it was exactly as bad as you expected.)