informal letter

hello mr.torsten!i am an Indian and i am not fluent in English. i find this site very interesting. i am still studying high school.

i have a letter writing competition in my school. the topic is "write a letter to your favorite sportsperson on your opinion on Olympics. should it be an informal or a formal letter? down i have written my sketch. please suggest changes. i have decided to write it to ravichandran ashwin(if you might know him)

First of all, congratulations.
Olympics are the most influential search and excellence in sports. It is fun-filled, nail-biting –it is a different experience altogether. It is difficult to predict what will happen next. Olympics represents the best always, it is upright and healthy. The sportspersons from all parts of the world don’t just dream about winning, they wake up and work at it. It is a global competition.
But personally, I feel that Olympics pave way to world cooperation. It has a significant economic impact on the host country. The tourism also starts to pick up.
It provides employment and also trains people. It promotes local volunteerism and a country’s culture.
Olympics are an important event when we come together as a country. It encourages team spirit. Women are treated not only as competitors but equals. Olympics are where people of races, colors and creeds join together forgetting national differences. They just participate and have fun. After all the contestants aren’t mere men but giants in spirits!

should it be chatty?
pls. suggest an opening for the letter

pls.reply soon

You need to ask your teacher about the style of letter which is expected.