In some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still students. Do you think this is a good idea?

In the course of the schooling, students have quite a few duties and homework to accomplish and finish. They should not only focus on their academic performance but also on extension of the social circles and interests. Therefore, students should not have jobs while they are still students, which will distract them from school.

First of all, the efficiency of the studying might decline. Apparently, students use their remaining time to have part-time jobs, which will deprive of the time to finishing and reviewing learning materials. After work, they might be too tired to concentrate on their homework and textbooks. Severely, the fragile and stress from the work may influence their sleeping quality and physical fitness. Thus, they end up getting poor grades on their exam and school performance. This cause the negative circle to the students.

In addition, they barely reinforce the social circle and relationships. The relations between peers and friends are crucial to the teenage students, which require amount of time to accumulate and manage thee friendship. Once they spend time on jobs, they are hardly to spare time to hang out with friends and learn with peers. They might be isolated by the classmates and be desperately lonely. Hence, they are difficult to have the instant assistant, comfort and companion while they are in need.

Last but not least, students are devoid of time to foster habits and interests. In the period of the adolescence, students should start to find and explore their interests and hobbies, which have a positive influence on their future development. For me, I attended many voluntary activities in different fields in my high school, from the animal shelters to the kingdom gardens. Those experiences motivated me to be a special education teacher and help other people now. On the contrary, students with jobs have less space to explore what they like and neglect their career development.

In summary, teenage students should completely spend much time on their schools instead of having jobs simultaneously. They can fully concentrate on their academic performance and study well. They also can spare time to intensify their friendship and maintain healthful social circles. What’s more, they can have enough time to extend their future interests and the career exploration.

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In the course of their schooling, students have a lot of responsibilities and homework to complete. They should focus not only on their academic performance but also on expanding their social circles and interests. Therefore, students should not have jobs while they are still students, which will distract them from school.

First of all, the efficiency of studying might decrease. Obviously, students use their remaining time to have part-time jobs, which will take away the time to finish and review the study materials. After work, they might be too tired to concentrate on their homework and textbooks. In the worst case, the exhaustion and stress from work may affect their sleep quality and physical fitness. Thus, they end up getting poor grades in their exam and school performance. This causes the negative cycle to the students.

In addition, they hardly strengthen the social circle and relationships. The relationships between peers and friends are crucial for the teenage students who need amount of time to accumulate and manage thee friendship. Once they spend time on jobs, they hardly have time to hang out with friends and study with peers. They may be isolated from their classmates and feel desperately lonely. Therefore, it is difficult for them to have an instant helper, comfort and companion when they are in need.

Last but not least, students do not have time to cultivate habits and interests. In the period of adolescence, students should start to find and explore their interests and hobbies, which have a positive influence on their future development. For me, I participated in many volunteer activities in my high school, from animal shelters to kingdom gardens. These experiences motivated me to become a special education teacher and help other people. On the contrary, students with jobs have less space to explore what they like and neglect their career development.

In summary, teenage students should completely spend much time on their schools instead of having jobs simultaneously. They can fully concentrate on their academic performance and study well. They also can spare time to intensify their friendship and maintain healthful social circles. What’s more, they can have enough time to extend their future interests and the career exploration.

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Thank you so much! I learned " take away the time ". :grinning:

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