In general, women are more truthful than men and honesty increases ... we get old

In general, women are more truthful than men and honesty increases … we get older
A. when
B. while
C. as

C is my choice but I don’t know why. Could you please explain it?

as = while. So now I think the answer is A

Hi lephuoc,

I would use ‘as’ because this describes the gradual process of ‘getting older’. ‘When’ would be used for a short action rather than a gradual one. ‘While’ is often used for two actions happening at the same time but of a shorter duration than ‘as’.

Hope that helps.


Many thanks Alan

I would use ‘as’ because this describes the gradual process of ‘getting older’. ‘When’ would be used for a short action rather than a gradual one. ‘While’ is often used for two actions happening at the same time but of a shorter duration than ‘as’.

can you explain this with example