"If you don't stop insulting David, he's going to knock your ..... off. I wouldn't blame him either. Why are you so mean to him especially when he's bigger than you?" Rocky asked Ben.

"If you don't stop insulting David, he's going to knock your ..... off. I wouldn't blame him either. Why are you so mean to him especially when he's bigger than you?" Rocky asked Ben. (*) boat (*) build (*) board (*) block

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://english.best/questions/14222,if-you-dont-stop-insulting-david-hes-going-to-knock-your-___-off-i-wouldnt-blame-him-either-why-are-you-so-mean-to-him-especially-when-hes-bigger-than-you-rocky-asked-ben/