IELTS Task 2 - Learning a foreign language

Hi Luschen, please have a look at my latest task below, thank you so much for reviewing my works :smiley:

Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary schools rather than secondary school.

Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

Some people think that the best age to learn a foreign language is at primary school rather than secondary school. The essay will argue that the advantages of this outweigh the drawbacks.

The main reason for pupils to begin studying new language early is that it is likely easier for them to achieve fluency in adulthood. Children start to learn everything with their open and empty mind so that it will be more beneficial for them to access new things faster in their early years. In addition, they will have more years to perfect their language skills and can speak as a native speaker. For example, in some countries such as Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia where English is taught from a very young age as second compulsory language and mostly adults can speak at advanced level.

Those opposed to this say that it caused pupils confused between mother tongue and the other language. Children will get puzzled in pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary for two language ad the same time. Moreover, one of the most important thing in primary education is teaching mother language and helping children understanding their own country’s culture. And children more likely have a tend to speak in international language like English rather than mother tongue in their daily life. As the result, time by time they will be forget how to use mother language and miss many traditional values of their country.

In conclusion, the fact that early foreign language learning leads to higher fluency and perfection clearly outweighs the argument that it should be better at secondary school.


Hi Treecbeo, For this type of prompt, if you say the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, you need to prove that this is the case. To me, your disadvantages sound even stronger than the advantages. At the very least, there is not a clear cut winner. I think it would be better if when you gave the disadvantages, you explained why they are not important or not really relevant. For instance, say that kids are smarter than people think and will not get the two languages they are learning simultaneously confused. Or say that even though a foreign language is taught at school, parents will continue to communicate at home with the child’s mother tongue and celebrate traditions and local culture, so any fears of losing one’s language or culture are ridiculous. Some phrases like this would make your essay much more convincing. Your writing though is very clear and sounds pretty natural, apart from some errors here and there. Here are some specific suggestions: