Idiom: to live off one's pay

English Idioms and Expressions, Advanced Level

ESL/EFL Test #6 [color=blue]“Live up to”, question 5

He also managed to live off his pay without any problems.

(a) put up with
(b) exist easily on
(c) just get by on
(d) take care of

English Idioms and Expressions, Advanced Level

ESL/EFL Test #6 [color=blue]“Live up to”, answer 5

He also managed to exist easily on his pay without any problems.

Correct answer: (b) exist easily on

Your answer was: [color=red]incorrect
He also managed to just get by on his pay without any problems.

I thought ‘live off’ = ‘get by on’ = ‘exist on’. The problem is 'easily or ‘just’. Can I understand it this way? I can’t give the reasons very well but I feel (b) is better to fit the context but (c) safer to fit the meaning. That’s my problem…


Yes, the presence of easily or just makes a big difference. You have to consider the whole sentence when you choose the best answer. “without any problems” means that you should choose “exist easily on”.

If the sentence said ‘He managed to live off his pay, but with some difficulty.’ you would choose “just get by on”.

I got it! Uncle Canadian, :smiley: Thank you!
