Idiom: lose your head

English Idioms and Expressions, Advanced Level

ESL/EFL Test #11 [color=blue]“Losing It”, question 10

After the traffic accident she lost her head and drove the car into a brick wall.

(a) behaved strangely
(b) behaved foolishly
(c) behaved oddly
(d) behaved quietly

English Idioms and Expressions, Advanced Level

ESL/EFL Test #11 [color=blue]“Losing It”, answer 10

After the traffic accident she behaved foolishly and drove the car into a brick wall.

Correct answer: (b) behaved foolishly

Your answer was: [color=red]incorrect
After the traffic accident she behaved oddly and drove the car into a brick wall.

I also cannot understand here why c) is not the best. I was shocked at so many errors I made in one test.


To put it bluntly, ‘losing one’s head’ implies, going crazy or not thinking properly. Sobriety is gone.

Your emotions take over and your mind is no longer in control of your faculties. As a result one does things they would not normally do which is often foolish.

Hi, Ron1970

Thank you again for your help. Your explanation for ‘have it in for’ last time was also very impressive.



Since you’re in Japan, I’d like to say, “doitashimashite.” :slight_smile: I’m glad to be of help.