I will lose/destroy my purpose of coming here if I do not see him.

  1. The main purpose of me of coming here tonight is to see him. My purpose to come here will be destroyed/will be gone if I do not see him.
  2. I will lose/destroy my purpose of coming here if I do not see him.
  3. I do not want to destroy/lose my purpose of coming here.
  4. It’s your perception of love that lengthen you life is not so much about the physical attraction.

Are the above sentences correct?

I would refine them and say:

  1. The main purpose of my coming here tonight is to see him. The purpose will be defeated if I do not see him.
  2. I will lose/miss my purpose of coming here if I do not see him.
  3. I do not want to miss/lose my purpose of coming here.
  4. It’s your perception of love, not physical attraction, which lengthens your life.
  1. My main purpose for coming here tonight is to see him. That purpose will be lost if I do not see him. (to avoid ‘see him’ twice, you could say ‘… if he does not put in an appearance.’)
  2. If I do not see him it will have been a waste of time me coming here.
  3. I do not want to lose the opportunity for which I came.
  4. It’s your perception of love, not physical attraction, which lengthens your life.

Your original 2/3 are odd because you do not really ‘miss a purpose’. You ‘have a purpose’ but ‘miss an opportunity’.