"I saw Professor Jenkins the other day and he was just a ..... of himself...."

"I saw Professor Jenkins the other day and he was just a ..... of himself. It was almost like the life had drained out of him. He didn't laugh at all like he used to and he was oddly quiet. It was sad to see him like that," May told Allen. (*) path (*) leg (*) learn (*) ghost

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://english.best/questions/13832,i-saw-professor-jenkins-the-other-day-and-he-was-just-a-___-of-himself-it-was-almost-like-the-life-had-drained-out-of-him-he-didnt-laugh-at-all-like-he-used-to-and-he-was-oddly-quiet-it-was-sad-to-see-him-like-that-may-told-allen/