I renewed my subscription with a fee of Rs. 2,260/- on Dec. 12, 2016

<< Sir,
My username is narendra_dhrn. I renewed my connection with a fee of Rs. 2,260/- on Dec. 12, 2016. My package type is 25Mbp (260GB/1mnth). Recently, I checked my subscription online and found out that instead of 260 GB, I was given 214 GB only. So I request you to review my subscription and add the volume that I owe into my account. Thank you.>>

Thank you so much in advice.

My username is narendra_dhrn. I renewed my subscription with a fee of Rs. 2,260/- on Dec. 12, 2016. My package type is 25Mbp (260GB/per month). Recently, I checked my download data online and found out that instead of 260 GB, I had only been given 214 GB for the month of XXX. I would like to request that you review my subscription and add any bandwidth data owed to my account. Thank you.

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