I often confuse these words, could you please help me?

:stuck_out_tongue: Hello Everybody,

As you know, we always end our massage with sincerely yours or yours faithfully. Once I’ve received a massge ended with b[/b], and also included the adverb i, [/i]both words were new to me, so I decided to use them in my new massages.
After about one week I had to send a massage to one of our company’s client, I was eager to end that massage with the new word I had just learnt, but I forgot the exact meaning of the two new words, so I ended my massage with (Respectively Yours) :!: instead of Respectfully. Our client replied us with (Welcome Respectively). That was one of my many mistakes which begin to be reduced automatically.

Have anyone committed such mistake? Please be couragous to reveal it.


Dear Hadeel,

Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. Yes, muddling up words can cause confusion at times but I think there is always a way to maintain communication.
By the way: Can you see the difference between getting a massage and getting a message across?[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, question-response: Where do I get more cups for the water cooler?[YSaerTTEW443543]

Dear Mr. Torsten,

Thank you for your continuous useful comments. Regarding the difference between the two phrases, well I’m not sure, but I think (getting a massgae means getting a private one, sent to a known person) and (getting a massage acrose means a public massage sent to more than one person).

Please explain the difference.

By the way Mr. Torsten where are you from? You’ve just mentioned Europe. Which country?
Hadeel :roll:

Hi again Hadeel,

You asked about the difference between a massage and a message. Well, for example you can massage (rub) your temples when you are tired. So, a massage is a physical act while a message is a form of communication.
I’m sure you know the difference between both words.
As for my country of origin - I’m from Germany.
Would you like to tell us where you are from?[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, question-response: Didn’t you used to work for Mega Firm?[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hello Torsten,

Thank you for your clarification. Yes, sometimes we make mistakes by typing or writng the word incorrectly. In English, there are many words similar in pronuncation or in letters but different in meaning, like:-

Currant & Current
Meat & Meet
Fear & Fair
Night & Knight
site & Sight
Bear & Beer
message & Massage
Rain, Rein & Reign
Fellow & Follow
Poor & Pour
Blew & Blue
Park & Bark
Inter & Enter
Dam, Dump & Dumb
Salution & Solution
Floor & Flour

The non speaking English, or the English learners always face this problem, however they study English efficiently their mother tongue finally has the main influence on their accent.


Isn’t it curious how the mistakes we make when speaking or writing a foreign language can to some extent reveal where we are from (to say nothing of accents, which usually give you away at once).

The sound ‘e’ as in ‘pet’ is nonexistent in Arabic, whereas their ‘a’ sounds a bit like the ‘a’ in ‘hat’. Hence the confusion with words like ‘message’ and ‘massage’. In latin languages, for example, both sounds are clearly differentiated, so there wouldn’t be any problem with those words. Now, a typical mistake made by Spanish speaking students is to leave out the pronoun ‘it’: they will often say things like ‘is cold’ or ‘is late’ instead of ‘it’s cold/late’. Also, they tend to pronounce ‘espanish’, ‘estop’, ‘especial’, ‘escore’ etc. since in Spanish all these words start with an ‘e’. The ‘v’ is often pronounced like the ‘b’, as in Spanish. Many final consonants tend to be pronounced differently or left out altogether. The Italians, though, stress them so much that they are inclined to add a little ‘a’ sound: I wanta to eata the breada (OK, maybe I’m exaggerating a bit, sorry).

Pronouncing ‘Jack’ like ‘Jeck’, ‘at’ like ‘et’ or ‘live’ like ‘life’ (see Bruce’s interesting post on this – English Grammar and Vocabulary, Jul 7, 2004 ) are distinctive features of the German accent. The French can have trouble with the ‘th’ sounds and are reluctant to part with their guttural ‘r’ (for a perfect rendition of this difficult gurgling sound, listen to Edith Piaf, Jacques Brel or Yves Montand, for instance – the Germans are also quite good at it, by the way).

‘Ze sing is’, whatever your accent, please don’t try too hard to get rid of it!