I need your help

If such an action is continuing, the simple present will suffice.

Juli is crying because she is cutting onions.

You probably wish to say the cutting action has stopped though the crying is continuing.
Juli is crying because she has been cutting onions.

Two continuous if happens in the same time and both of them in a progress in the same time - according to my knowledge -two continuous can be together.

While I was cutting the onion my tear was cooling in my face.

The second is very strange one after the other.I think the both together aren’t good, but I hope Torsten will read it and corrects it.

I can say that Juli has just finished cutting the onion and imagine,now she has not been crying. Other time she is crying when she is cutting onion.

-What did Juli pass the time while I was peeling the potatoes?
-She has been cutting the onion for an hour.

Bez’s post confirmed if two actions happen in the same time we can use two continuous together. Of course in the present, in the past and in the future also.

Juli is crying because she is cutting onions.
Juli was crying because she was cutting onions,
Jully will be crying when she will be cutting onions.

While I was cutting the onion, the tears were cooling on my face.

How did Juli pass the time while I was peeling potatoes?
She has been cutting onions for the past hour.

Juli is crying because she is cutting onions.
Juli was crying because she was cutting onions,
Julli will be crying when she cuts onions.

Many thanks.

Hello Bez,

I copied your text in the Garmmerly and I received this result:

Grammarly found 1 critical writing issue in your text.
Score: 89 of 100
(adequate, can benefit from revision)
Contextual Spelling Check
1 issue
Spelling (1)
Ignored words
Commonly confused words

Use of articles
Use of conjunctions
Use of nouns

Punctuation within a sentence
Formal punctuation

Style and Word Choice
Writing style
Vocabulary use

I wrote my version also:
But the result was same.

My sentences were in coordinate clause:

My question if present continuous and past continuous can be used in coordinate-clause the future why can’t be used in-coordinate clause?
don’tuli is crying because she is cutting onions.
Juli was crying because she was cutting onions,
Jully will be crying when she will be cutting onions.
Is the problem after ‘when’ we use present.
So if I had written ‘during’ my sentence would have been good?
Juli will be crying while she will be cutting onions.

If the conjunction was your problem you would have to correct only the conjunction for that analogy of the structure of sentences didn’t change.

ed.grammarly.com/register/signu … le/?newv=1

I copied your text, and I put my text in the last three line , and the result was same in both case. This means your text has a mistake.
what you see here
Grammarly found 1 writing issue in your text.
Score: 88 of 100
(adequate, can benefit from revision)

The text in this document is original

Contextual Spelling Check
1 issue
Spelling (1)
Ignored words…From here is correct.
Commonly confused words

Use of articles
Use of conjunctions
Use of nouns

Punctuation within a sentence
Closing punctuation
Formal punctuation

Style and Word Choice
Writing style
Vocabulary use


I don’t care what you copied and did elsewhere Kati. My text does not contain a mistake.

The issue seems to be with spelling, so it is likely that this automated service did not understand the word ‘Juli’.


Juli was four times in your text. I filled the grammarly three times, and the result was same. 1 mistake.

Future Progressive (Future Continuous)
Future Tenses is not used in clauses beginning with when, while, unless, by the time, as soon as, before, after and if even two action will be happening at the same time (Parallel Actions)

  1. Expresses action that will be happening at a particular time in the future.
    • He will be working when we arrive. (NOTE “we arrive” because of “when” - not “we will arrive”)
    • At this time tomorrow, I will be learning English grammar.

  2. Expresses the idea that two actions will be happening at the same time (Parallel Actions).
    • While you are sleeping, I will be studying Spanish Gammar. (NOTE “are sleeping” because of “while”)
    • He will be writing an article while it is raining. (NOTE “is raining” because of “while”)

  3. Sometimes there is no difference between the Future Continuous and Simple Future.
    • Spring will come soon. (Simple Future)
    • Spring will be coming soon. (Future Continuous)

Do you know what means “help” ? It is 1.05 am and I FOUND AT LAST THE EXPLANATION.Do you never explain the cause of a mistake? Only say this is NOT CORRECT, Did you laugh up in your sleeves?[/b] Congratulation! You managed to the dirty on me.


Unfortunatly nor two futures continuous but 1 future continuous and 1 going to future,

When you use the Future Continuous with two actions in the same sentence, it expresses the idea that both actions will be happening at the same time. The actions are parallel.


I am going to be studying, and he is going to be making dinner.


This is the first thread in which I’ve responded to one of your posts for ages, because the last time I tried to help you, you accused me of all sorts of spiteful things. Now you are doing exactly the same again.

The only reason I corrected your posts was so that other people would not become confused, I probably shouldn’t have bothered judging by your reaction.

The only mistake I made was in responding to you in the first place. I shall not be doing that again.

I agree with Bev. Kati, all your posts contain quite a number of very basic mistakes so when you try to answer other users’ questions, you usually confuse them more than you help them.

TOEIC listening, photographs: A worker

Hello Torsten,

Do you agree with Bev? You agree that she doesn’t explain why a grammar analogy was uncorrect. I had to look for the answer. And my answer is from the google grammar- I will send you the two links.

There was an analogy:

I think she would have corrected with an explanation that we can’t use 2 future continuous if two actions happen in the same time continually .

Please tell me where I did a number of very basic mistakes in this thread.If you see, I was questioned and I answered because I thought that I would be corrected if it wasn’t good.

I really ask please tell me where I have made mistakes in this thread. Don’t speak about this last one what was an exception and I never heard about it.


Hello Alan,

I would have a big question to you. As Torsten wrote to me that my answers were full of basic grammar mistakes, I requested him to tell me where were these mistakes.

I had been addressed and questioned by a student so I didn’ t want to be unpolite and answered her.:“Yes all sounds OK only their meanings are different.”

My question would be to you that tell me where are my basic grammar mistakes in this thread as I am sure that Torsten settled it with his letter. I couldn’t find these mistakes by myself. I explained what I know with my own words. Perhaps Torsten meant it.

I would be very curious of my mistakes.

Please, take a quick look at it, from the #46 (permalink) Sun Sep 15, 2013 22:53 pm

I need for your help.

Best regards:
Kati Svaby

Hi Kati, your latest post contains about 10 or so mistakes, nothing big but still enough work for anyone to correct. (I just marked some of them). If you like, you can post specific grammar or vocabulary questions which we will answer.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: Busy digging[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hello Torsten,

Many thanks for your correction.

I learned 3 kinds of mistakes what I have been made regularly. I will learn from this corrected letter, and I try to draw the a lesson from it.

I put into 3 groups my mistakes.
1. I totally forgot to use indirect questions in sentences. I have been using direct questions.
2.My relative clauses are mistaken.
3.Mistakes through oversight . I consider them as serious as the others.[b]

You corrected this letter after that you had written to me this sentence:“Kati, all your posts contain quite a number of very basic mistakes so when you try to answer other users’ questions, you usually confuse them more than you help them.”

Can I ask you to disclose my grammar explanations which ones confused the others These mistakes which are [from #46 (permalink)]. You won’t only help me, but those ones also who had been confused by me -much to my regret.



Hello Torsten,

“Kati, all your posts contain quite a number of very basic mistakes so when you try to answer other users’ questions, you usually confuse them more than you help them.’”

This sentence is a charge against me.

Can I ask you that enumerate those grammar explanations which regularly confused my fellows instead of helping them.

Could I ask you to restrict yourself to my grammar explanations. Which one misled my fellows ?

Hello Torsten:

Here are the two links which about the future continuous in the co-ordinate clause.

#71 permalink


72 permalink.

