I made a new nouns tutorial video.

I made a new nouns tutorial video. It’s on YouTube


I’d just like to share my work, and get advice.



I think it’s nicely put together, Jack, but would like to ask which level you have targeted it at? My questions is: why would someone who can understand the language used in the spoken and written explanations need to know something as basic as “what a noun is”? Surely that person will have already covered nouns and their usage.

That’s an excellent point. I hope that it can help beginners and serve as a reminder to advanced students. I have many students who have forgotten much of the basic grammar they learned in elementary school. Anyway, I hope this online community benefits from it.

Best Regards,


But would beginners understand the text and commentary?

Some students would understand the commentary, most would not. It’s difficult to really think through a video ahead of time. I appreciate your Socratic approach. In retrospect, I think that the video should be broke into separate age targeted videos. I’ll try to address this issue more thoroughly in the future.

