"I don't think I'm going to the flea market with you. I'm really tired ..... after that hike this morning," Paul told Alex and Ed

"I don't think I'm going to the flea market with you. I'm really tired ..... after that hike this morning," Paul told Alex and Ed. (*) through (*) down (*) out (*) back

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://english.best/questions/15381,i-dont-think-im-going-to-the-flea-market-with-you-im-really-tired-___-after-that-hike-this-morning-paul-told-alex-and-ed/

“I don’t think I’m going to the flea market with you. I’m really tired out after that hike this morning,” Paul told Alex and Ed.
answer: out


Yes, ‘tired out’ is the correct answer.

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