Could u tell me how to use whom please??? and what is the difference between WHOM AND WHO???
Could u tell me how to use whom please??? and what is the difference between WHOM AND WHO???
Who is subject and whom is object. Look at these two sentences:
This is the man who (subject) is going to meet you (object)
This is the man whom (object) you (subject) are going to meet.
Have a look at the pieces I wrote for the site under the the heading ESL Lessons called Relative Pronouns 1,2,3
Some years back ‘Who’ and ‘whom’ were used to refer to subject and object respectively.
Whom did you meet at the stop?
Who told you that information?
But ‘whom’ is not used now and in its place ‘who’ is used.
Who did you meet at the stop? -is correct.
P.G. Wodehouse made these words his source for humour.
So don’t bother about ‘whom’ but you should be in a position to understand, if others use that.
I’m very surprised that immediately after my explanation together with references to the rest of the material I’ve written on the topic here on this site, you virtually dismiss what I have said.
On what basis do you say that the form whom is no longer used? I think you should here make a distinction between spoken and written language. Admittedly use of it is declining particularly in speech simply because the sound of the letter m is barely audible. But don’t forget that it is still alive and well in stressed positions as an object of a preposition where in speech the letter m is more discernible and easier to say. And what on earth has P G Wodehouse got to do with all this? As a lifelong admirer of P G W, collector of most of his some 100 novels and reader of most of them too, I would hardly single him out solely on the basis of who/whom!
Hello Mr Alan,
I am sorry you take offence and also use personal criticism. This is a general public forum. I am not ready to join issue on this. I know that people have stopped using ‘whom’.
I am happy to note, that you happen to love P.G. Wodehouse. I was only a casual reader. I have read conversations occurring somewhat on these lines:
Who did you refer to?
Not who but whom
Oh! Whom is it?
Whom did you refer to?
After a few pages the conversation between the two may run somewhat like this:
Let me know whom will meet me.
Not whom but who.
Oh! Who will meet me at the station?
Thanks for the time.