How is this essay?

I’m taking the Cambridge C2 exam in 4 days, what do you think of this essay?


The main topic of the two texts is social media and their effect on our lives.

The first text mainly focuses on the benefits that social media may have on students’ performances. A teacher, Elizabeth Delmatoff, in just a year, managed to increase not only the grades of the students but also the total number of hours they attended classes. Those outstanding results lead many to hypothesize that the stigma around social media and the belief that such tools are inherently detrimental to education are unmotivated.

On the other hand, the second text reminds us of the downsides of social media. It comes as no surprise that more than half of the sampled social media users considered social media to be affecting negatively their lives. Nevertheless, that’s not the only downside of social media: a considerable part of Americans admitted that they put the goal of capturing moments for social media before living the moment themselves.

Social media is among the many topics that are usually considered to be either black or white: that’s definitely not the case and there should not be any room for generalization when discussing such a complex matter. I strongly believe that social media can and will be used in education, nevertheless, the risk social media represent for younger generations is widely overlooked.

Social media are a great resource and they will help us progress in many fields but we should never underestimate the destructive power these new means of communication hold, furthermore, we, as a society, should start investing more in mental health in order to overcome the challenges our interconnected world poses.

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The first text focuses mainly on the benefits that social media can have on student achievement. In just one year, teacher Elizabeth Delmatoff was able to not only improve students’ grades, but also increase the total number of hours she taught. These outstanding results lead many to believe that the stigma attached to social media and the belief that such tools are inherently detrimental to education are unmotivated.

On the other hand, the second text reminds us of the downsides of social media. Not surprisingly, more than half of the social media users surveyed believe that social media has a negative impact on their lives. But that’s not the only downside of social media: a significant portion of Americans admitted that they prioritize the goal of capturing moments for social media over experiencing the moment itself.

Social media is one of the many topics that is typically viewed as either black or white: This is definitely not the case, and there should be no room for generalizations when discussing such a complex matter. I strongly believe that social media can and will be used in education, yet the risk that social media poses to younger generations is often overlooked.

Social media is a great resource and will move us forward in many areas, but we should never underestimate the destructive power of these new communication tools. Also, as a society, we should start investing more in mental health to address the challenges that our connected world brings.