How does Lesbos rhyme with Christmas?

Can someone please explain to me how it is possible that although the Christians have celebrated Christmas so many times each year in December we still have people suffering miserably enduring the horrors at the Lesbos refugee camp? It can only mean one thing: that we have not evolved and that we don’t give a damn about human rights in the so called European Union the head of which is Ursula von der Leyen, a member of the so called Christian Democratic Union. What exactly is Christian about the Lesbos camp? Absolutely nothing. Germany is the richest country within the EU, yet we are not ready to treat the refugees at the Lesbos camp like human beings. I’m sick to my German stomach when I think about it. Merry Christmas.

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I think you need to accept that most people are interested in their own well-being only. They don’t care about anyone else but themselves. Apparently this is the core principle of human nature which is very sad and depressing.

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