I would like to learn Grammar, anybody can inform how i learn ? any good books or good web site in which i can download from there ?
I would like to learn Grammar, anybody can inform how i learn ? any good books or good web site in which i can download from there ?
I’d recommend you a book called “Essential grammar in use”, published by Cambridge University Press. There are three books with a similar name, this is the one for beginners. The good point about this book is that you have a grammar point explained in each left-hand page, and on the facing pages there are exercises to check understanding.
I’m currently using the second book of the series, which is called “Grammar in use” (the next one is “Advanced grammar in use”) You may think that they are a bit expensive, but it’s the same with all the books for learning languages. But I think that in this case it’s worth the money.
Anyway, if you don’t want to spend money on books, there must be some pages about grammar on the internet. But I don’t know much about it.