"Hey, I was wondering if I could ask you for a favor, Jack. Would you be willing to ..... a hand on Saturday to help with the soup kitchen for homeless people? You expressed an interest before and I am just checking up to see if you still are interested," Arthur said.

"Hey, I was wondering if I could ask you for a favor, Jack. Would you be willing to ..... a hand on Saturday to help with the soup kitchen for homeless people? You expressed an interest before and I am just checking up to see if you still are interested," Arthur said. (*) lack (*) leap (*) lend (*) list

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://english.best/questions/14287,hey-i-was-wondering-if-i-could-ask-you-for-a-favor-jack-would-you-be-willing-to-___-a-hand-on-saturday-to-help-with-the-soup-kitchen-for-homeless-people-you-expressed-an-interest-before-and-i-am-just-checking-up-to-see-if-you-still-are-interested-arthur-said/