Help: I've only been 'informatic active' on professional grounds, for laboral...

Hello all of you. I’m a completely a new one on these kind of things and completely horrified because of that reason. Both in these informatics and English things. Will you, please, anybody, help me? Thanks a lot. I feel completeley lost

What kind of help do you need?

First of all, thanks for answering me. Some months ago, I came to know this web site by pure chance. I liked it, so I subscribed, so I receive frecuently texts in english languaje in a variety of topics, all of them enjoyable and very usuful. I’m very grateful. But, after this time, I’d like to become more ‘interactive’. And I don’t know exactly how to do it (I’ve only been ‘informatic active’ on professional grounds, for laboral porpouses, I mean.) So, this is brand-new for me. Besides, I’m not that self-confident upon my correct use of english (actually, I’m able to comunicate, but I’m afraid I make a lot of mistakes).
So, for one thing, I’d like to ‘speak’ with people in this lenguaje, but casually, I mean, making new friends. For second, I’d like to ask questions and get clear some doubts I have with the real ‘use of english’, with words, expresions, and so on.
And I’m learning how to use this thing (way of getting in touch with other people, getting answers to my askings) by doing it.
So, I’d be delighted if you can help me. Please, keep in mind when giving directions about any tech-related thing that I’m not good at it, speak af if you were doing it to a slow-mind one. I would not take revenge, I promise.
Thanks a lot

First of all, thanks for answering to me. Some months ago, I came to know this web site by pure chance - It was pure chance to find this site. I liked it - , so I subscribed, so I receive frecuently texts in english languaje in a variety of topics, all of them enjoyable and very usuful. I’m very grateful. But, after this time, I’d like to become “be” more ‘interactive’. And I don’t know exactly how to do it (I’ve only been ‘informatic active’ on professional grounds, for laboral porpouses, I mean.) So, this is brand-new for me. Besides, I’m not that self-confident upon my correct use of english (actually, I’m able to communicate, but I’m afraid I make a lot of mistakes).
So, for one thing, I’d like to ‘speak’ with people in this lenguaje, but casually, I mean, making new friends. For second, I’d like to ask questions and get clear some doubts I have with the real ‘use of english’, with words, expresions, and so on.
And I’m learning how to use this thing (way of getting in touch with other people, getting answers to my askings) by doing it.
So, I’d be delighted if you can help me. Please, keep in mind when giving directions about any tech-related things that I’m not good at it, speak af if you were doing it to a slow-mind one. I would not take revenge, I promise.

I’m not a teacher, just try to be useful for you and myself.

Ester, just DO IT.!!!

Ask as many questions as you wish. The whole purpose of the Forum is to HELP.

Mistakes are to be expected … who cares ?.. We still welcome your questions.