Hello, I am Ilka from Germany...

I am Ilka from Germany. I want like all other here improve my English. For some years ago I learned English on school. I never did need this and so I forgot nearly all. After a break from I think 5 years I saw I need it. Now since 2 or 3 years I try to learn it by myself.
I hope I will be successful.

Hi Ilka,

Welcome on board. Since you have decided to improve your English you will find the means to achieve your goal.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, question-response: What’s the matter with the photocopier?[YSaerTTEW443543]

Your English seems to be very good. I’m sure you will find what you seek in this site because i did. Good luck for you and for your football team

i think your eng is good …what are you?
i hope can improve our eng in this forum 8)

Hello Ilka! Nice to have you here, with us!

I’ll hope you’ll enjoy it here!

i am an english student i like to talk to english student

Hi Ilka, i’m Gultom from Indonesia, nice to meet you here.
I like to comunicate to every one in the world…

Hi Ilka nice to meet you ! I’m a new member too , My name is Imen and I’m from Tunisia :slight_smile:

Hi Ilka nice to meet you ! I’m a new member too , My name is Imen and I’m from Tunisia :slight_smile:

hi gyes, i am a new member in this forum and i also want to improve my english.


Welcome Jagjeet.

In order to improve our English, we need to be careful about how we are writing what we want to write. Now, take your own post; it lacks some grammatical aspects. You cannot address ‘Guys’ which, in AmE, means men. You will also find women on this forum and reading your post. You have even misspelt that word. The letter ‘i’ when used as a word (pronoun) should always be ‘I’ (capitalized) no matter where (in which position) it appears. The name of a language will also begin with a capital letter. Considering all these we may modify your post as shown below:

Hi (or Hello)! I am a new member in this forum and I also want to improve my English.

Don’t you find the sentence better now?

Hello T H Lawrence

Well put sir, you sound like an English coach. I have been a coach for 19 years now and after all the jobs I have had in my many years of work this is the most fulfilling and rewarding.

Greetings from Germany and a Happy New Year to you all!

Patrick Gallery
From the UK

Dear Pat (Let me call you so, if you don’t mind), I deem it a recognition. Thanks a lot. Yes, I have been coaching for more than 25 years now. Thanks again.
Greetings from India for a very happy New Year!

i am new skype bahadur.hossain

Hello Sir,
Thanks for your valuable suggestions.


Jagjeet Singh