He illusions of desire and became an arhat

Maudgalyayana is one of the ten major disciples of Shakyamuni Buddha. He was able to free himself from the illusions of thought and cut off the illusions of desire and became an arhat . He became the foremost in transcendental powers.

Is the part in bold correct grammatically?



Maudgalyayana is one of the ten chief disciples of Shakyamuni Buddha. He was able to free himself from the illusions of thought and cut off the illusions of desire and became an arhat. He became the best in transcendental powers.

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I’m not a grammar person so I’m not sure on that part. But what sounds right to me depends on what you are trying to say.

If this a list of three things that happened sequentially , it could be broken down.

He was able to free himself from the illusions of thought.
He was able to cut off the illusions of desire.
He became an arhat.

If I break it down further:
He became an arhat.
He was able to become and arhat.

You would never say to became.

If you start with He was able to, that could follow through to each of the three things listed. It depends on the intent. If it follows through the last part would change from:

He became an arhat.
He was able to become an arhat.

So to me it depends on the intent of the writer.