Guess who's back...?

Guess who’s back…?

Hi Rich. Where you have you been all that time? Did they cut off from the Internet in Caracas? Have you heard about the absence fee that was introduced in this forum? Anyone who is absent for longer than 24 hours has to give an account on what have been doing. So I guess you’d better shake a leg :slight_smile:

Oh oh :o

Bad news - I shouldn’t have come back :smiley:

Hey dudes, I have come back again, turned into a translator now…

Hi Rich,

It’s been almost two years since we last spoke. Where have you been – it obviously was a place with no access to the Internet ;-). So, you are a translator now, congratulations! Please do tell us more, how did you become a translator and what texts are you translating?

Speak to you soon,

TOEIC listening, photographs: The checkout[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi rich7

How old is this forum ?
How long you’ve been here ?

Hi Che,

We started the forum in September 2003 so it’ll soon be 4 years that we’ve been here…[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: Traffic signs[YSaerTTEW443543]

4 years is rather a long period and how many active members has it got? :wink:

Hi Harry,

To answer that you question you would first have to give me your definition of an “active forum member”.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: The cyclists[YSaerTTEW443543]

As for me active forum members are those members who visit the forum at least once a day and take an active part in all discussions.

Great :!:
Could you please tell me ,I’m the only Georgian who has visited this forum ?


You might put forth your query this way instead:

  1. Could you please tell me if I’m the only Georgian who has visited this forum?


  1. Please tell me, am I the only Georgian who has visited this forum?


Hello ,how are you ?
Thanks for correction

Che, I’m okay. Thanks for asking.


(Thank God It’s Friday)

Why Friday ? :smiley:

In the US, Friday is generally regarded as the last day of the work/school week – people generally do not work on the weekend.

Tonight I will go out and try to have some fun.

Tomorrow I will relax at home, watch TV, go for a walk if it’s cool enough outside, etc. – I will do more or less what I want to do. Tomorrow night I might try to go out and have some fun (again).

Sunday I will perhaps go to church, unless I sleep too late… in which case I will simply stay home and watch TV, or maybe go to the Ex’s house to visit my dog. hehe

“TGIF” is meant to exemplify Americans’ affinity for the weekend (which begins on Friday night, after work).

Hi Harry,

I think there are very few if any forum members who take an active part in all discussions.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: Two women with their trolleys[YSaerTTEW443543]

I think there are about 7 including me. :lol:

oh noooo… am I eligible for a waiver? pleeeeeeease :roll:

… nice to see you all again by the way :slight_smile: