Greetings, My name is Nikolay

Hello everyone,

My name is Nikolay.
Here is some information about me. I was born in Bulgaria and I moved to the US when I was 18. I lived there for about 5 years and now I have moved back to Bulgaria.
Why am I introducing myself?
Well, first I thought that I was just going to do a hit and run :lol: that is, post one message and never return.
This forum however seems really useful and I may visit it often. Given that I may be a frequent visitor I thought I should introduce myself.

My areas of interest.
I am interested in the differences between how English is spoken in the USA and in Britain. I have heard various opinions. Some say (including native British English speakers) that there are only a few grammatical differences and a few differences minor in words. Others say that there are major differences. I guess that the major differences may have to do with culture and what specific meanings the words carry in the different cultures.
I believe that meanings of many words in the British English are more similar to Bulgarian meanings than they are to American meanings. I think that the common meanings of these words are part of the common European heritage.

I have personally experienced these differences. For an example, when I lived in England communication seemed more similar to communication in Bulgaria than in the USA. The way people used language and the meanings they implied in their words seemed more similar to those in Bulgarian.

Anyway, this topic is very interesting for me. If anyone wants to chat on this topic with me they are more than invited.

Also if there are any Asians who would like to talk about the language differences, by this term I mean differences in the way a language is used, they experience in an English speaking country they too are invited to chat with me.

bye bye

nice to meet you :stuck_out_tongue:

hi ithink that the american’s want to be differi from the EUROPIANS in every thing