Greetings from Poland everybody:)

I’d like to introduce myself as i’ve become a new member of this forum today.
My name is Michal, but generally on the net i’m known as Mosteque;) well… i’m from Poland and i’ve been learning english for 3,5 year so far, completely on my own. Now i’m thinking of starting to study English Philology at The University of Warsaw so i started to cope with test in english, which eventually brought me to this fantastic site:). The entrance exam to UW are very tough but i hope with your help I’ll be able to breeze through them without problems:)
I hope we will get on with each other:)
Best wishes


haha hello again:)
As you probably noticed this site had been hacked and they had to cancel a lot of posts. Actually they made it as it was a week ago or sth like that;)

Welcome Mosteque!

What language do you speak? (in Poland)

Polish of course

Hi Dave,

As Mosteque said people in Poland speak their mother tongue which is Polish. You might want to read this short story as it contains some information on people in Poland and their language:

Let me know what you think.

TOEIC listening, photographs: A riverside[YSaerTTEW443543]

and here you may learn a bit about Polish;)

Ive just read the story and found it really interesting and Im happy that you said sth what I always tell:when u come to another country you should at least know how to pronounce few words and useful phrases - it is very polite and shows your respect. :wink:
I enjoyed reading this story a lot!

Hello Torsten!
Hello Karina!

Yep, I found the reading very intresting!, it was a true story, wasnt it? (need help with that, isnt it, wasnt it… I dont know when to use it)
It seems like Polish is more difficult than English
«Oh, pan bardzo dobrze mowie po-polsku» (The gentleman speaks very good Polish)


and btw, I also speak SPANISH so anyone that want to learn just PM me!
:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

(sorry about my bad English :p)

Actually these wasnt it or was it is very simple.. If you say: You were here, didnt you? U say didnt you [/b]cause it is Simple Past Another one: She is beautiful, you say [b]Isnt she?
And next one: He has blue eyes, you say [b]hasnt he? [/b] Hmm...Im not sure if you understood me…Dave… :roll:
I simply cannot explain it now…Maybe I`m too sleepy??? :roll:

uhmm… it all depends on the sentence or phrase? isn’t it? :roll: :?

Hi Dave&Karina,

It’s good you liked the story about my encounter with Polish people and yes, it really happened that way. As for the question tags, Karina has explained the structure very well and now you can take a test on them, Dave: … l-test.php

Let me know how you get along.

TOEIC listening, photographs: Taking a rest from the hike[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi Dave&Karina,

It’s good you liked the story about my encounter with Polish people and yes, it really happened that way. As for the question tags, Karina has explained the structure very well and now you can take a test on them, Dave: … l-test.php

Let me know how you get along.

TOEIC listening, photographs: A row of tippie tents[YSaerTTEW443543]

No no.
It all depends on structure, doesn`t it? :slight_smile:

Hello T!
I`ve taken those tests and some of the sentences were quite difficult … :oops:
But they are really helpful!!
I recommend them!!

Hi Torsten!

Its to let you know that I took the test… i got 5/10 :frowning:

Hi Dave,

How often have you taken the test?[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: At the marina[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi Torsten!

only once, why

Because if you take the test several times you will get better. That’s the whole idea of practising something, isn’t it? Try it out and let me know the outcome.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: On the lake[YSaerTTEW443543]

Yes Torsten…

I have took the test several times, without looking at the answers… and my high score was 7/10