GRE essay: The intellectual benefits of attending...

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Essay question
“The intellectual benefits of attending a university or college are vastly overrated: most people could learn more by studying and reading on their own for four years then by pursuing a university or college degree.”

Education is one of the most important assets that an individual can obtain to ensure interesting and self-fullfiling career. While it is widely debated whether or not higher institution gives its students the knowledge their need, I would argue that disregarding some minor flaws university provides a substantial width and breadth of knowledge that cannot be gained by simply studying on ones own.

First, the universties and collegies are unique communities where people who pursuing intellectual and professional goals meet and share ideas. Being at universities implies discussing relevant and important topics in area of your study with your fellow students. It also means that you can gain a new insights with help of professor who have an experience working in your chosen area of specialization. It is the best chance for you as a student to have a direct knowledge of the issues studied by professor himself or herself instead of vague and distant explanation of it in the books.

Second, higher education institutions provide its scholar community with all the resources needed for effective studies such as library materials that is highly specific and efficiently organized, subscriptions to well-established scholar journals in different fields, spaces that are equipped for doing research and study. In addition to this, there are also spaces that are organized specifically for study and free-Internet service and workshops on the various subject prepared to meet needs of the students.

Finally, universities and colleges are the part of the larger scholar communities which provides the connection between different experts on the field to share their ideas on the same topics while students are exposed to different types of conferences and talks that have potential to broaden intellectual horizons and give a new angle to the old issue.

Concluding all that was said before, the intellectual benefits of a university or college should not be underestimated. In general while omitting some of the minor flaws, higher education pursued after completition of high school is highly beneficial. It provides its students not with the knowldge per se, but it also with an educational environment where in collaboration with others one can encounter and absorb the knowlege from different perspectives. :?