Grammar and rate it out of 9 band

One has but to look to the gossip magazines to see what type of person qualifies as a celebrity today. The majority of so-called celebrities derive from TV reality shows or qualify for celeb status as they have achieved recognition in a talent show. Few stand the test of time. Look at any gossip magazine from over a decade ago to see how few celebs are still enjoying the limelight today. Chances are, you will fail to recognise most celebrities. The reason is simple: quality stands the test of time and most modern celebrities are lacking precisely in that attribute. Their success stems more from luck and society readiness to bestow celebrity status on even mediocre talent rather than any real talent.

The reason is simple: quality stands the test of time and most modern celebrities are lacking precisely in that attribute. Their success stems more from luck and society’s readiness to bestow celebrity status on even mediocre talent rather than reserving it for real talent.

I would not recommend using ‘celeb/celebs’ as an abbreviation of ‘celebrity/celebrities’ in writing.