Giving detailed descriptions of crime by newspaper and television

Hello, Kitos. thank you for your help :slight_smile:

Giving detailed descriptions of crime by newspaper and television, someone says it could make bad consequence, this kind of media should be restricted. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

We can easily read or watch the news about crime for detail on newspaper or television. Occasionally, it results in some bad problems. In the following paragraphs, I will enumerate three main examples why media, such as radio and magazine, should be in control.

Committing suicide is one of the biggest social problems in South Korea. Even though Korean government tries to devise the method to reduce the level of suicide, there is the tendency that the suicide rate increases after broadcasting about someone’s suicide, especially celebrities’ one. For example, after media explained how Jae-Hwan Ann killed himself, some people committed suicide in the same way.

To steal someone’s money or valuables, it is necessary to put on gloves in order not to leave a fingerprint. Criminals have generally learned that kind of the ways from newspaper or television. As a result of that, polices say that it is getting harder and harder to arrest offenders, because they’ve already known the effective way to get rid of evidences.

There was a shooting incident the USA in 2008. Due to the incident, several people were dead, including him. Even if he was an American citizen, newspaper and television emphasized that he came from South Korea. After Americans knew the fact, some of them started to hate Korea for a while.

Taking all that into consideration, some detailed news on media has an impact on people in the negative way. To prevent the bad consequence in advance, we should restrict media properly.

TOEFL listening discussions: A conversation between two students in their first class of the term

Hello, Kitos. thank you for your help :slight_smile:

Giving detailed descriptions of crime by newspaper and television, someone says it could make bad consequence, this kind of media should be restricted. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

We can easily read or watch the news about crime for detailS IN newspaper or television. Occasionally, it results in some bad problems. In the following paragraphs, I will enumerate three main examples why media, such as radio and magazineS, should be in control.

Committing suicide is one of the biggest social problems in South Korea. Even though THE Korean government tries to devise the methodS to reduce the levelS of suicide, there is the tendency that the suicide rate increases after broadcasting about someone’s suicide, especially A celebritY one. For example, after media explained how Jae-Hwan Ann killed himself, some people committed suicide in the same way.

To steal someone’s money or valuables, it is necessary to put on gloves in order not to leave a fingerprint. Criminals have generally learned THESE kindS of the ways from newspaperS or television. As a result of that, polices say that it is getting harder and harder to arrest offenders, because they’ve already known the effective way to get rid of evidence.

There was a shooting incident the USA in 2008. Due to the incident, several people were dead, including him.(WHO?)
Even if he was an American citizen, newspaperS and television emphasized that he came from South Korea. After BEFORE Americans knew WERE MADE AWARE OF THE TRUE factS, some of them started to hate Korea for a while.

Taking all that into consideration, some detailed news on media has an impact on people in the negative way. To prevent the bad consequence in advance, we should /restrict/CONTROL/ media properly.
Good work Moondikasina. Please review your finished work more carefully.

Kitos. 7.5/10