"give in" or "give up"

I don’t know which to choose in this sentence:
After 4 days of freedom, the escaped prisoner gave himself … to the police.
a. up
b. away
c. off
d. in
When I looked it up in my dictionary, I found out that both “in” and “up” is OK! What do you think about it? Which is the best choice, as for you?
Thank you in advance.

I would say that he gave himself up to the police, because he surrended, called truce :slight_smile:

I found some examples:
They were both dead by the time Goulais gave himself up to the police.
Will they give themselves up to the tribunal?
In the end, his family gave him up to the police.

It’s tricky. Only “off” has no meaning here.
I think “up” here is the best option.

But “away” can be used but gives a different meaning in a different context. If you give yourself away (in this situation) that means he was hiding but he accidentally did something that meant the police found him.

“in” can be used but the term would then have to be “he turned himself in” which has a similiar meaning to “gave himself up”.

to turn yourself in suggests more that he actively went looking for a policeman.


what’s the difference between afforestation, forestation and deforestation?


Hi, why don’t you look them up in the dictionary?
We can see that among the three words, “afforestation” and “forestation” have meaning in contrast with “deforestation”.
“Afforestation” and “forestation” both mean “the act of converting into forest or woodland” while “deforestation” means “the act of destroying the forest, for example: cutting down trees, burning the forest for agricultural land …”
It’s just my oppinion. I also want to know yours. ­