Get the ball rolling...

OK; it always takes time to get something new started. Usually people wait until someone tells them what they should do. Are you a self-starter? Yes? Then just go ahead, register in our forum and start a topic and others will follow you…[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: A fruit and vegetable stand[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi, I think this forum is good because I get an answer immediately. Maybe, if more people come here it will be more interesting to talk to them. I’ll tell my friends… :slight_smile:

Hey Andreana, thanks for your feedback. 8)

Hi I must tell you that it is very unusual that anyone get an answer to their questions in that forum.
It just happen now and then. That dialog was 6 years old I discovered then I had posted the first part of my message…


What does that mean? I am confused :?

You are living on a star so I don’t know your home language. :slight_smile:

I can’t translate it into your language sorry.

Proxima Centauri (Latin proxima: meaning ‘next to’ or ‘nearest to’)[9] is a red dwarf star

I am really confused.

Do you mean 6 years before you were here on the forum and you posted a message?
Or you replied to someone 6 years later?

The message I replayed to was written 6 years ago.

Oh :!:

Even, there was one very initial message (when the forum started) left unanswered.
That is interesting.

You mean ‘replied’ not ‘replayed’.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC short conversations: Paying the fitness membership fee[YSaerTTEW443543]

Sorry I didn’t discover that typo… :smiley:

Hi, i don’t know what should i call you, but i love to call you teacher
thanks from your lesson i read enjoy it too, it was really good for me, i forward to see your next lesson too
my name is Baheen, i am living in beijing, china, i am son of Ambassador of Afghanistan in china and student in college, i would love to make friendship with you and others
i am very weak in english, i need yours help
