Fußgängerquerungshilfe in English?

Hi Torsten

I think the general term in English would simply be “pedestrian crossing”. If you want to specify what type of pedestrian crossing it is, then you would use (as you mentioned already) ‘pedestrian bridge’, ‘pedestrian tunnel’, ‘crosswalk’, etc.

If you want to make sure that people don’t simply assume that you mean ‘crosswalk’, then you could say ‘types of pedestrian crossings’, for example.

Hi Amy,

Thank for you for making this clear – now I know how to translate “Fußgängerquerungshilfe” into English.

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Well, you did ask, didn’t you? :?
It just seemed to me that you were trying translate a little too directly.

Thats’ exactly right. The thing with translating is that you often simply need to know an expression that comes at least close to the original. In my opinion, “Fußgängerquerungshilfe” is a very vague word that smacks a bit of bureaucracy. How do you like the word?[YSaerTTEW443543]

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Hi Torsten

Actually, those sorts of words drove me crazy when I first started learning German, but believe it or not, I ended up becoming quite fond of them. :smiley:

That’s interesting to hear. Can you believe that up until I posted this thread I had never come across an “Fußgängerquerungshilfe” although I’m sure I must have used one many times…[YSaerTTEW443543]

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