Fraud: If any of you are teaching in korean schools?

if any of you are teaching in korean schools…i have no idea what fantasy world you people are living in…rote memorization…the preferred learning mechanism of korean education …is not conducive to English learning…or…the stated goal of the Ministry of Education of the Korean Government…which is…“conversational English”…conversational English is more idiomatic …pure and simple…korean teachers teach grammar…not foreigners…i dont know who is making money off this dispicable website…but its obvious …that whoever is ultimately making money off this site …has no idea what is really happening in korean schools…the mood of Korean English teachers…the level of apathy of these teachers…or the simple fraud of English teaching in this country…all of us are complicit…

best regards…

And a cheery hello to you too, Diego. :smiley:

Welcome to – which is not based in Korea, by the way. :wink:

Do you go to school in Korea? Tell us about yourself.

and a cheery hello to u, amy…i could care less whoever you are or wherever you are based…if you are not in korea…why did u bother to reply???

Hi Diego,

What website are you talking about and what exactly do you want to achieve with your forum post?[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, question-response: Is it true that you pay less for your meal if you come here on Tuesdays?[YSaerTTEW443543]

hi diego

As we have few Korean members and certainly teachers, maybe you should let us know how it is.

Elaborate on what you consider to be fraud?
And why is grammar only of most import?

Would be nice to know something about what is to a lot of us an alien environment.