Family – relatives – our next of kin
Let’s start with the words [color=blue]mother and [color=blue]father – they should be familiar to everyone. Both of them together are our [color=blue]parents.
If we call them, we often say [color=blue]mum/ mummy or [color=blue]dad/ daddy. In North America, some might call their mother [color=blue]mom.
We are their [color=blue]children. Either we are female, therefore [color=blue]daughter – or male, therefore [color=blue]son.
Our parents’ parents are our [color=green]grandparents:
[color=green]Grandmother is the female one, also called [color=green]gran, grandma or [color=green]granny.
[color=green]Grandfather is the male one, also called [color=green]granddad, granddaddy or [color=green]grandpa.
We are their [color=green]grandchildren.
Either we are female, therefore [color=green]granddaughter – or male, therefore [color=green]grandson.
A sister of our father’s or our mother’s is our [color=darkred]aunt.
A brother of our father’s or our mother’s is our [color=darkred]uncle.
Their children are our [color=darkred]cousins.
One of them can either be our parents’ [color=darkred]nephew or [color=darkred]niece.
They same is with us and our brother’s or sister’s children.
Confusing?? Well………. Here is part II:
The wedding
The male participant is the [color=darkblue]bridegroom.
The female one is the [color=darkblue]bride.
The [color=darkblue]best man is usually the bridegroom’s best friend who witnesses the marriage and stands beside him.
The [color=darkblue]maid of honour is usually the bride’s who witnesses the marriage and stands beside her.
After the wedding
The man is the woman’s husband.
The woman is the man’s wife.
For the man, his wife’s parents are his parents-in-law: his mother-in-law and his father-in-law.
His wife’s sister is his sister-in-law and his wife’s brother is his brother-in-law.
The same is with the woman and her husband’s relatives.
Still confused? – I don’t think so….
In Unit 15 you are going to learn all about Passive Voice.