The majority of the pictures/YouTube videos on this site are fairly innocent, but there is some material questionable for younger eyes. Be advised of that please.

(now that the warning is out of the way)

This site is hilarious: In it are funny pictures, some of which capture translation issues, poor spelling, etc.

I don’t know if I would call it educational, but it is language-related to some degree, and I find it hilarious. Enjoy and discuss your favorites in this topic if you’d like.

Among my favorites:

“Hail Satin”

Hey Tom, I haven’t seen all but I’ve bookmarked it. Some I’ve seen, and eventhough I didn’t understand, they still sound hilarious. :smiley:

if you need explanations, holler at me.


Except for the first pic, I don’t get everything on the first page. But the one that peaked my curiosity is the restroom sign fail. How is it funny?

I may have to do some hollering at you, too. :lol:

[size=84](I didn’t get all of the ones I looked at either.)[/size]


It was a poster protesting torture. It was about to say “by our government” or “by our neighbors” (or whatever they wanted to b1tch about)… but someone covered that up so that it reads:

“Innocent people are being tortured everyday (SIC) by our Restrooms.”

This could be taken to mean that the torture is taking place near the restrooms, or (equally as funny, IMO) that the Restrooms themselves are doing the torturing.


The “fail” part is that the “Restrooms” sign messes up the message of the protest sign. (and, to me, makes it funny)

another good spelling gaffe is the one – probably around page 10 or so – where protestors are marching with signs that say:

“I have a draem” and “I have a deram”

That is a spelling fail… really makes them look stupid.


Some are funnier than others, and some are clearer than others.

It took me a while to figure out how to properly approach them, but now I think like this:

Who (or what) is failing in this picture or video?


“I Have A Draem” is currently on page 11. (as more pics are added, other pictures are pushed farther back)

I didn’t see the protesting part, now I get it. Thank you for the patience, I know I sort of spoiled the funny part for you.

Hi, Tom
That was hillarious ! :lol:

Hi, Amy
I think you would like this one: :lol:


Yes, Alex, that won did catch my I (if ewe catch my drift…). 8)


Are-country 'tis of thee…

Nina, you didn’t spoil anything – I’d viewed that one previously

Okay – another good language-related one:

Check out the big yellow sign on page 12!


The Flying Fail on page 14 tickled my fancy. :lol:


Oh, hey, there’s a pretty nasty video of a guy attempting to kick a wall. If you run into that one, you may want to read the messages first to see others’ reactions.

I like the playground fail :slight_smile:


There are some pretty good new ones up – check out pages 1 and 2.

(hilarious clock fail; unbelievable ice-driving fail; funny frozen-food packaging fail)

yeah, that playground… nice.