Expression: "Time-and-a-half" definition

Business English Lesson, Advanced Level

ESL/EFL Test #108 [color=blue]“Payroll policy in the USA”, question 5

The rates for overtime in the USA are generally known as .

(a) pay-plus-one-half
(b) an hour and a half
(c) hour plus half
(d) time-and-a-half

Business English Lesson, Advanced Level

ESL/EFL Test #108 [color=blue]“Payroll policy in the USA”, answer 5

The rates for overtime in the USA are generally known as time-and-a-half.

Correct answer: (d) time-and-a-half

Your answer was: [color=red]incorrect
The rates for overtime in the USA are generally known as an hour and a half.

Sorry, I don’t know what “time-and-a-half” is? How to understand it?


Time-and -a-half is the common expression for overtime or other special hourly wages that are paid to the amount of your regular hourly rate plus one-half your regular hourly rate. For instance, if your regular wages are $10 per hour, time-and-a-half is $15 per hour.

There are other premium rates (time-and-a-quarter, double time), but time-and-a-half is perhaps the most common.