Expression: "Can you go as far in the ocean..."


Could you please tell me if the following sentence is correct and natural?

Can you go as far in the ocean that your feet don’t touch the ground?

Many thanks,


If it’s a general question about the depth of the ocean, it would sound OK to me. If it’s asking about a certain person’s wilingness to go to the point where her feet don’t touch the ground, I’d rather write:

Can you go as far into the ocean until/where your feet don’t touch the ground?

But maybe it’s all the same.

Hello Tom,

  1. Can you go as far in the ocean that your feet don’t touch the ground?
  2. Can you go so far into the ocean that your feet don’t touch the ground?

To me, as a BrE-speaker, #1 would not sound natural; though it might well seem so to speakers of other kinds of English.

I would use #2 instead.

Best wishes,


And maybe to some other BrE speakers.

Hi Tom,

Your sentence:

is a bit of a mixed bag. If you start with ‘as far …’ this suggests that there should be a further ‘as’ but the sentence continues with a ‘that’. The pattern you really want is to start with a ‘so’ and then finish with a ‘that’. Then you create this sentence: Can you go so far in (into) the ocean that your feet don’t touch the ground.


Can you go as far into the ocean so your feet don’t touch the ground?
Can you go as far into the ocean to (a point) where your feet don’t touch the ground?
Can you go as far into the ocean until (a point) where your feet don’t touch the ground?

And shouldn’t it be “into” with “go”, there?