Expression: as from tomorrow

As from tomorrow I won’t post in any other forums what I post here, even though more than one answer is better. (1)

Please correct (1)


I have never used the phrase “as from” myself and I can’t remember ever hearing it used in American English. To me, it simply sounds like an error. I would use “as of” (or one of a few other possible phrases).

However, “as from” may be in use in Britain.

The only thing I can tell you is that you should not use “as from” in the US.

Thanks teacher and Canadian,

Now, please fix this sentence:

As of tomorrow I won’t post in any other forums what I post here, even though more than one answer is better. (1)


Your sentence is not bad but I would probably say “As of tomorrow I won’t post what I post here in any other forums, even though more than one answer is better.”

(I think that you likely will annoy people by posting the same question in more than one forum and you will eventually get fewer answers.)


How do you re_write this sentence with As of yesterday?


As of yesterday I haven’t posted…’.

“rewrite”, not “re_write”