Exclamations and sentences with weather and noise

Hi there,

Can you say:

What lovely weather!
(the) Bad weather caused a lot of traffic jams.
(the) Bad weather conditions caused a lot of traffic jams.
The Prime Minister’s plane was grounded because of (the) bad weather conditions.
I won’t get on the road tonight because of these bad weather conditions.

What terrible noise!
What a terrible noise!

Because (of the) terrible noise I couldn’t sleep all night.

All in all can you use ‘the’, ‘these’, ‘those’ with such nouns. If so, could you please give me some more examples.

Thank you.

Your sentences all seem OK to me. Adding the article or demonstrative pronoun makes the nouns specific. I don’t know what you mean by “such nouns”.

and your question regarding Exclamations is?

Bad Weather is a name for “weather that is bad”. Bad naturally being in the eyes of the beholder.

“The” bad weather implies a specific entity referred to previously.


In South Virgina bad weather caused many accidents. The bad weather (already referred to) also created a disturbance in telecommunications. …

In South Virgina bad weather caused many accidents. Bad weather also created a disturbance in telecommunications. … would be to me a little uncomfortable and bumpy…

Thanks MM,

Come to think of it, I don’t know either. Probably I was typing too fast.

Thanks HamburgerEnglish,

My question regarding exclamations is

Does one use the article in: What lovely weather! What lovely flowers! Probably not, but I think one does use the article in: What a lovely flower! That is to say, when the noun is singular and countable.

Um I don’T quite understand … “My question regarding exclamations is” … "Does one use the article in: " … confused am I … sorry …

Thanks HamburgerEnglish

Stop being confused. One does not use the article in exclamations like: What lovely weather! However, one does say: What a lovely flower! But: What lovely flowers!
Now stop being so confused!
