Essay task 2: History

Hi leaders, please help me check this essay, thank you in advance
It is more important for schoolchildren to learn about local history than world history.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Teaching history in schools has been traditionally divided into two sections: national history and international one. Many assume that children merely focus on learning historical knowledge related their own country rather than learning about historic event happened in the world. I disagree with this point of view and believe that both of them should be balanced in school curriculum.

To begin with, understanding the local history would possibly bring positive impacts on student’s mind. In fact, domestic history can provide learners thorough insights into what happened at their place of living as well as their own origin. For example, schoolchildren are taught about how their ancestors used to defend their land against outside invaders. This might cultivate young generation’s patriotism and raise their responsibility for protecting and developing their nation. Moreover, as children are equipped with local historic information, they are able to spread their customs and traditional values to foreign friends, which in turn may make their history become popular in the eyes of foreigners.

However, I believe that the international history also play vital role in student’s education. By gaining knowledge regarding the world’s past events could help develop well-rounded perspective of life. For instance, lesson about the world war or Feminism protect against women’s abuse and discrimination provide a real insight into various of the world. Furthermore, understanding historical knowledge about the other countries’ backgrounds would benefit to young learners in the future. The typical example for this case is that having deep knowledge about ancient architecture can give those who have an intention to become a future architect a source of inspiration.

In conclusion, the teaching of domestic history should parallel with international one because both of them have distinctively equal significance to schoolchildren.


Hi Nancy, I think this is the one exception where it is ok to talk about both sides of the issue when dealing with a “to what extent to you agree/disagree” prompt. You have stated that both sides are equally valid, so it is proper to discuss both sides equally. Still, since the prompt asks for the “extent” of your belief, you should include an extent word, like “strongly”, “moderately”, “somewhat” or similar in your thesis statement. I thought your arguments were somewhat convincing, but I think in both paragraphs you could have “connected the dots” a little better by being more explicit and specific in your explanations. Your writing was quite clear, but there were a few mistakes here and there. Here are some specific comments: