Does the word hard in 'stop hard' mean 'suddenly'?

1/ Does “hard” in “stop hard” mean “suddenly”?

Ex: The car stopped hard at the corner?

2/ Please read:

a.Turn hard right at the next junction.
b.Turn right hard at the next junction.

Does “hard” in (a) and (b)also mean “suddenly”?
What is the meaning of “right”?

(a) and (b) have the same meaning? What is the wrong sentence? Or both are right?


Hi K

Where did you get the “stop hard” sentence from? Is there more context? The sentence sounds a bit odd to me.

It sounds like it means that the driver applied sudden and intense pressure to the brake pedal (and, of course, that would result in a sudden stop).

Did you write the “hard right” sentences yourself?
If yes, what meaning did you have in mind when you wrote “right”?
If you didn’t write the sentences yourself, what context did you find them in? Have you checked the dictionary definitions of hard? What do you think “right” means?



I saw “hard” in “stop hard” in a newspaper written by a Vietnamese journalist.
I can’t find the meaning of “hard” in the dictionary and I posted this sentence in the forum. Personally, I thought this sentence with “stopped hard” strange. Do you think “stop hard” is a standard expression? If yes, what’s its meaning? If no, what’s its meaning? it’s acceptable when writing?

2/I took the sentence Turn hard right at the next junction (a)in the Oxford dictionary when looking for the meaning of “hard”. Personally, I think “right” is exactly.However, in the dictionary, people says:

Hard: at a sharp angle to the left/right.
But personally I think “hard” in both cases has the meaning of “suddenly”. How do you think?

3/Does “right” herẽ have the meaning of “on or to the right side”?

4/If so, can I say:
Turn right hard at the next junction (b) ?

5/In this case, do (a) and (b) have the same meaning?


It reminds me of a sentence of a movie:

(advice to heroine from hero)

“Ride hard; don’t look back.”

What does hard mean here?


Hi Tom,

For the movie, there is a film called “Die harder”.

Do you know what’s the meaning of “harder”?


I think the movie’s name is Die Hard, not Harder!. It simply means die, but not easily! :shock:

Old customs die hard…a famous saying in English


Hi Tom,

What do Old customs die hard…mean?


Hi Khahn

See my first post. It would be more common to say “a hard stop”. It would be a sudden or abrupt stop.

I agree with Oxford. The angle of a “normal” righthand turn would be approximately 90 degrees. The angle of a hard righthand turn would be a more extreme angle — 120 degrees, for example.

You turn onto the street that is on your right.

I personally would say:
“Make a hard right at the next intersection.” Telling someone that they need to make a hard right or to turn hard right is usually necessary only when there are two different streets to the right: one at or less than a 90° angle, and one at more than a 90° angle.

There are sometimes intersections/junctions that look like the letter K. If you are traveling up a road that is represented by the left side of the k, then a “hard right turn” would be the bottom righthand part of the k.
Look at definition number 13 in the link.

The first film is called Die Hard.
The sequel is called Die Harder.

IDIOM: die hard

Take a long time to cease to exist or be dropped from consideration. For example, Old prejudices die hard, or The more radical parts of this proposal will die hard. This idiom alludes to struggling against physical death. [Late 1700s]


What’s the context, Tom? :wink:

It sounds as though it might be a cowboy movie and someone is being advised to ride a horse at high speed and for a long time. They are riding away from a place or a person and shouldn’t look behind them or think about what they’re leaving behind.
