Differences between reading c as k and c as c

this is me Suha Mohammed Khair i want to know how can the differences between reading c as k and c as c . for example when we read car the c sounds as k .
I hope you can understand what I mean .
thanks :slight_smile:

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Hi Suha Khair, most English " c " words are pronounced as " k ", you are correct.
Very few are sounded as " c ".

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thank you sir I am so happy that you reply

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You are most welcome, as are your questions. I am very happy to note your interest in our language.

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precise, censor, celsius, center,centre, centralize, centralization, ceremony, certificate, chevron may be read as “S” , while

computer,community, communicate, communication, cobra, charisma,commando, rambo(ups…different thing i guess) read as “K”

challenge, change, charge,charity, chat, check, cheer, chess, chemical may be different way from above.

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Nearly all words starting with “ch” are pronounced as ch, as in cha-cha-cha , but without the " a ". ch-ch-ch.

Hope that isn’t confusing.

Chemical is with a K.
Precise & rambo & chevron should not be on the list of " s " words.

Recording :-

C words that are pronounced " S ".

Ch words pronounced as “ch”

C words pronounced with a " K "

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thanks a lot

you are amazing team
suha mohammed khair

The rule is: The letter c represents /s/ before the letters e, i or y; otherwise it represents /k/.
Here are some examples to show you how broadly useful this rule actually is.

cent: /s/ because it is followed by e
city: /s/ because it is followed by i
cyst: /s/ because it is followed by y
cat: /k/ because it is not followed by e, i or y
cot: /k/ because it is not followed by e, i or y
cut: /k/ because it is not followed by e, i or y
class: /k/ because it is not followed by e, i or y
cross: /k/ because it is not followed by e, i or y
back: /k/ because it is not followed by e, i or y (so the ck acts like kk)
scent: /s/ because it is followed by e (so the sc acts like ss)
since: digraph ce is /s/ because the c is followed by e
accuse: both /k/ because neither is followed by e, i or y (akkuse)
accent: first is /k/ but second is /s/ (ak-sent)
static: /k/ because it is not followed by e, i or y

This is English, so there are some exceptions. In the United States, they are relatively few. Soccer would be pronounced sokser if it followed the rule and muscle would be muskle. And in British English, you will encounter many words like sceptic where we in the US have changed the spelling to skeptic to comport with the rule.

Also, to follow the rule we even add the letter k to words like picnic and panic when adding a suffix starting with e, i or y, so we have picnicking, panicked and panicky.

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thanks Milanya
can we be friends ???
cause I like to make friends from other cultures
suha khair

Sure. Why not?

I like making friends.

hello there
it is me again

Hi Suha, the matter is very simple: the " c " followed by " e, i , y" pronounced as " s " but if it is followed by any other letter it is pronounced as" k " except " ch " .

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hey there
thanks a lot chaaki
even me i am a new member and i like this forum so much so thanks agani
um Ahmed w Reem

It is veru good of you to try to improve your accent because English now is the most universal language and all of us need to be fluent in it so as to cope with the fast path of our communities. Give my regards to Ahmed and Reem.

I also like to make friends and I like also to make use of my time on the internet so I wish we can communicate.

for sure we can communicate via this forum . it is my pleasure
send my sallam to your family
suha khair

hey guys!!! where all of u from just interstring!!! thnx in advance :slight_smile:

hi there!!! 2day is my 1st day here! so this forum is awesome, bril!! it helps me i mean us to communicate with other people and of course to master our english!!!

Hi Koka
welcome to the real english learning world . i am suha from SUDAN
what about you tell us about your self
Um Ahmed &Reem :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Alsalam Alaikom w rahmah allah w brakatoh
thank you again Chacki for your explanations and i am very happy to be part of this wonderful forum .
Allah bless you
Um Ahmed & Reem :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: