Did I construct the below sentences correctly?

Please arrange/stack the boxes with the barcodes facing outside.

Please arrange/stack the boxes in way that the barcode faces outside.

I came in a little earlier than the time I was scheduled to come in.

I came in a little earlier than my scheduled time.

Can I phrase the above sentences in such ways?


The word outside would be incorrect here. You would simply say “…facing out.” It is already understood that the barcodes will be facing towards the person/ into the aisle or whatever the place. Outside to me literally means make the barcodes face outside, as in, someone could see them while looking into the store from the parking lot or the street.


Hi Ryan, long time no see :wink: It’s great to have you back on the forum. How and what have you been doing for the past 7 months? Thanks a lot for answering St’s questions.

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Я изучаю русский язык! Это трудно, но очень интересно!


For the past 7 months though, I went through basic training (boot camp), and I live in California now studying Russian in a very intense course.


Молодец, кроме тебя я не знаю ин американца который изучает русский язык :slight_smile:

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Здесь, в калифорнии, у нас есть много русские студенты. Все американцы.


К сожалению, я не изучаю немецкий язык.:cry: Я люблю етот язык!


Давай шаг за шагом. Начнём с русского, а немецким займёмся попозже. Может, @Irina_Bol нам поможет освоить русский язык?


Привет, Райан! Прекрасно, что ты начал изучать русский язык. Он трудный и я готова тебе помочь.

Hi Ryan! It’s great you started learning Russian. It’s difficult and I’m ready to help you with it.


What I find interesting is that there are some similarities between Russian and English grammar that don’t exist between Russian and German. Here is an example:

He called his wife two hours ago.
Он позвонил своей жене два часа назад.
Er rief seine Frau vor zwei Stunden an.

Do you see what I mean?

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Это мое любимое :rofl::joy::rofl:
Поставить vor перед указанием времени! Я к этому до сих пор не могу привыкнуть :rofl:
Интересно, есть ли еще подобный порядок слов в каком-нибудь другом языке?


Привет @RyanBell!
Это одновременно удивительно и прекрасно, что ты учишь русский язык :grin:
Ты большой молодец!
Мне кажется, среди американцев или британцев не очень много людей, изучающих русский язык или любой другой иностранный.


Sometimes the difference between Russian and German grammar is a problem for interpreters whose language level is almost perfect. When a famous German-Russian interpreter was asked about German negation at the end of the sentence and the lack of time, he answered that it’s necessary to guess from context in this case.


Большое спасибо Ирина!

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Привет! This course is going to be hard, but I think it’ll be a lot of fun! I’m glad I can come on here and not only speak and answer English questions!


Thank you so much for teaching me how to improve my English. :slight_smile:

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