Hi, everyone, hi Daniel, hi, Torsten,
It is Thursday again, another week is nearly over. We did as usual a lot of brainstorming and grammar exercises. Every day we repeated vocabulary regarding different topics such as family, clothes, shopping, animals, cities, time expressions, grammar points etc. (basic grammar and vocab).
We still continue using the book Take Off 1, of course, where we have covered the first 4 units already. Apart from this book, I copied some grammar exercises such as: Present tense vs progressive present (or present continuous), do/does/did questions, the use of any/some and indefinite pronouns (anything, something, anyone etc), the third person of the present tense in -s/es, plural in -s/-es (including spelling changes occurring in these structures: y > ies, double consonants etc.).
An average day looked this way: in the morning: warm-ups, brainstorming, repetition or summarizing of topics discussed the previous day. Then: Fresh copies for everyone: grammar exercises, explanation of the rules and comparisons with the German grammar. Text reading: spelling and pronunciation, learning new words, tricks to memorize a lot of vocab in an efficient way (association exercises, how to “convert” related words in German into Englisch and vice versa, also false friends,funny words, jokes, puns etc. ). In the afternoon: Translation of the read texts in the class: considering the differences between both languages German and English: word position, negative words, use of some particles, intercultural aspects. The pragmatics of the given text: the intended meaning/aim of the read text, usefulness of the information in our lives.
On the last two days I have begun treating business English more and more, thus we were quite busy reading some interesting business letters and pieces of texts related to job vocab (career, experience, training, trainee, unemployed, challenge, resign from, fire, dismiss, retirement, holiday entitlement etc. ) + exercises. On Monday we had a short “shopping” trip to the supermarket Lidl. On the way to Lidl, we repeated all words related to the topic “giving directions” (turn right, left, straight ahead, also traffic lights, road, street, river etc. ) and as we entered the supermarket, we changed topic: “shopping vocabulary” was to be practiced then! (fruit, vegetables, fish, meat, giving a price, origin of a product (Lidl is quite international). One of the participants said that Lidl is rather Russian than German. That is why, I decided to teach them some expressions concerning “giving an opinion”. We led a short discussion as soon as we came back into the classroom to give the participants the opportunity to ask questions and to find out what they learned and if they enjoyed the short outdoor activity. Of course, they did! Despite Mrs. Hintzsch’ approval, we were allowed to do these kind of outdoor activities only twice, because this could be disapproved by the Arbeitsamt - job center.
They should repeat grammar exercises such as “any and some” (actually indefinite pronouns), did-questions (and negative sentences in the past), perhaps "there is/there are and it is since some of them still confuse the use of there. Next week six of them are going to give a short presentation. Each one was assigned a specific topic regarding a certain vocabulary (family, cities, my hometown, pets, friends, my job, experience abroad etc. ). There are more than five participants whose birthday is in October, that is why we used the unit 4 (time and dates, birthday) to strike up practically relevant lively dialogues.
have a nice day!