Death penalty is getting rid of in many countries. Thanks

Death is the highest penalty. It is usually made for murders or some seriously social evil criminals. The life is getting more modern, and there are variety type of new crimes also. However, the penalties deserved for crimes seems get softer or even in some countries they got rid of death penalty. As far as I am concerned, I think it is appropriate with these following reasons.

Firstly, we already have many prisons, and the criminals in stead of get death penalty will have to stay in prison in the rest of his or her life. In my point of view, it is already a heavy penalty. Criminals will be kept in prison, and go to work with some particular jobs which produce profit. This type of penalty is a way to redeem criminal’s mistakes. These criminal will be isolated with social life, no one can see them and care about them anymore. In fact, these criminal annually still create profit for government, or help others. Some people are just normal as us, even some one has high level of knowledge. They had done something wrong, however they realized what is right and wrong. Everyone can do wrong things, and let them go to work to redeem mistake is acceptable . 

Secondly, even some seriously criminal, what happened is already happened. Time was past, we could not redo it. At the first look, almost people think that some crimes is deserved death penalty, but after contemplate, they will rethink. All circumstances have its logic, we are not inside stories so we cannot be a judge. For example, just recently, there was a gold store murder, when he got arrested he said that he totally did not wanna be come a robber just because money. His mother got cancer and he needed paying money for hospital. Moreover, the man he killed just was negligent. In some case like this, murder can get arrested in whole life is enough.

Thirdly, in VietNam, people have a proverb: “ Helping a people is more valuable than building seven towers”. Let me explain this, in my country tower in this case means a places reserved for monks. Monks usually are person who always praise for others, help people know from wrong to right. In addition, BuddHist state “When you knew regret, you are a different person”. I believe that in others religions, people are taught like this. Let criminals have chance to regret and chance. 

In conclusion, with things I was taught and through my reason I have pointed out, countries can get rid of death penalty. We have enough ways to treat with criminal and  death penalty is also give us nothing.

This is my fourth essay. Any helps would be greatly appreciated !

TOEFL listening lectures: Why does the professor explain the history of coffee?

Hi, I thought this is your best essay yet. You have some really well-developed arguments. I like your ideas, but your writing mechanics sometimes get in the way of your effective presentation of those ideas. You have a lot of minor grammatical errors as well as some sentence construction problems and some word choices that could be improved. Still, a very interesting essay, I would rate it a 3.5 out of 5. Are you from Vietnam? With your name I assumed you were from Japan.

Thank you Luschen, I’m VietNamese. My nick name is from Japan. I will read and analyse it.

Death is the highest penalty. It is usually reserved for murders or some seriously criminals. Life is getting more modern, and there are various types of new crimes also. However, the penalties proscribed for crimes seem to get softer or even in some countries they have gotten rid of the death penalty. As far as I am concerned, I think it is appropriate with these following reasons.

           Firstly, we already have many prisons, and the criminals in stead{one word} of get[ting the] death penalty will have to stay in prison for the rest of their life. From my point of view, it is already a heavy penalty. Criminals will be kept in prison, and go to work with some menial jobs which produce profit. This type of penalty is a way to redeem the criminal’s mistakes. These criminals will be isolated from social life, no one will see them or care about them anymore. In fact, these criminals annually still create profit for government, or help others. Some people are just as normal as us, even some have a high level of knowledge. They had done something wrong, however they realized what is right and wrong. Everyone can do wrong things, and letting them go to work to redeem their mistake is acceptable . 

          Secondly, even with some serious criminal activity, what happened has already happened. The time has past, we cannot redo it. At the first glance, people may think that some crimes deserve death penalty, but after contemplation, they will rethink their judgement. All circumstances have their logic, we are not privy to inside stories so we cannot be a judge. For example, just recently, there was a a murder during a burglary of a gold store. When he got arrested he said that he needed money  cause his mother got cancer and for the hospital bills. Moreover, the man he killed in gold store was negligent. In some cases like this, the murderer being incarcerated for his whole life is enough.

         Thirdly, in VietNam, people have a proverb: “ Helping people is more valuable than building seven towers”. Let me explain this; in my country, the tower in this case means a place reserved for monks. Monks usually are people who always have praise for others, help people know wrong from right. In addition, Buddism states: “When you know regret, you are a different person”. It means that we do not to make death penalty when criminal already knew which is right. I believe that in others religions, people are taught the same lesson. Let criminals have chance to regret and change. 

         In conclusion, with things I was taught and through my reasons I have pointed out, countries can get rid of the death penalty. We have enough ways to deal with criminals and the death penalty gives us no further benefits.

By the way, this type of punishment is called “life without parole”