CWTS studies the conditions and consequences of research evaluation for the generation of new knowledge, and the role of research in innovation processes

Please answer the question correctly.

Importance of Bill of Rights

A bill of rights is a constitutional enumeration of rights and privilege guaranteed by the State to all persons within its territory. It is the statement of individual liberties which citizens, the residents, and sojourners in the country enjoy abuses in against the exercise of the government power. It is the people’s shield against government abuse.

The peaceful attainment of peace will depend on our nation’s libertarian use of freedom - freedom of thought, speech, and association. The right proclaimed in the Bill of Rights are the “ten commandments” of our constitutional faith. They are the means of self-government and sovereignty. That they are the means to truth. They are the means of ends of security and survival.

What responsibilities comes with your rights?


By living the Good Citizenship Values Enshrined in the Constitution: Be God-fearing and live according to His will. Work together and share with one another. Place the good of one’s country above one’s own. Be diligent and earn an honest living. Do not engage in crime and corruption. Recognize the absolute value of human life and the human dignity of every person. Do not inflict harm in others. Obey the laws of the land and support government programs. Stand up for the truth and avoid intrigue. Give everyone their due. Do not oppress or take advantage of anyone. Assert your right to be able to do right things. Look after the good and welfare of others. Treat one another as brother and sisters being children of one God and one nation. Live and work together in harmony, and avoid violence as a way of settling disputes. Do not be greedy and selfish. Look after your family and the future generations. Keep your surroundings clean and conserve natural resources. Respect human rights and of one another and comply with your duties and responsibilities

What are the effects of faith and prayer in our lives?

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What exactly are you asking us to do?

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Good day Mr. Torsten. Well, actually just answer the 2 given question below.

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What if I can’t relate to the question?

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Well it’s okay Mr. Torsten atleast you try to understand it.:slightly_smiling_face:

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Can you please give me a little more context? What is your relationship with CWTS and why don’t you first tell us what you think of the topic you posted yourself?

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Ahh sure, I will just edit my first topic.

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Is this a question or a statement?

What responsibilities comes with your rights?

One way to answer this is to say none, there are no responsibilities. If there are conditions, then is it really a right? A right is absolute, so how can there be conditions?

Another way of answering this is to say there are natural rights. But there are also responsibilities. Responsibilities and rights are separate. We have both, but one is not dependent on the other.

What are the effects of faith and prayer in our lives?

For me, none. I believe that man does not follow religion, religion follows man.

You say: “Do not inflict harm in others.”

Is this true because religion says so? Or does religion say so because man sees that it’s true, and writes it down?

Are the bill of rights “granted by the state” as you said? Or are those rights “inalienable” and the state merely acknowledges those right?

To enumerate rights does not create those right. They already exist. Or at least those who would shed our blood would like to think so.