Could you check these questions and answers? (A)

Hello teachers,
[color=blue]Did Peter learn to drive? Probably not, you may think. But he did learn how to drive, and in fact Peter learned to drive without too much difficulty. He didn’t have to take his driving test two or three times; he passed it the first time, six weeks after his first driving lesson!

The questions are for a written exercise. Are they natural and correct?

  1. How did Peter learn to drive? (He learned to drive) without too much difficulty.

2a. How many times did Peter take his driving test? (He took it) once.
2b. How many times did Peter have to examine for his driving test? (He had to examine for it) once. Is it also possible, ‘He did it once.’?
I think the answer ‘he did it once’ is wrong because I’m using ‘did’ as a pro-verb, and the pro-verb has to substitute the whole verb phrase, doesn’t it?

3a. How long did it take Peter to learn how to drive? (It took him) six weeks.
3b. How long did it take Peter to learn to drive? (It took him) six weeks.
3c. How much time did it take Peter to learn to drive? (It took him) six weeks.

Thanks in advance.

  1. ‘How’ does not really work here unless you say
    How easy/difficult was it for Peter to learn to drive?

2b ‘have to examine’ is incorrect. 'How many times did Peter take his driving test?
How many times did Peter sit the driving test exam(ination)?
I would accept ‘He did/took it once.’

Hello Beeesneees,
Thank you for your help and interest.
Being the two questions correct, are the answers possible?

  1. How easy was it for Peter to learn to drive? It was quite easy.
  2. How difficult was it for Peter to learn to drive? it wasn’t very difficult.

I think the following question is OK, but I’m not confident about the answer.
How easily did Peter learn to drive?
(He learned to drive) without too much difficulty.

