Correct way to do the integrated writing section in toefl ibt.

The question was
how the information on listening passage adds on to that of the reading passage

In my response I wrote the main points of the reading passage in one paragraph and the main points of the listening passage in another, but in the sample essay the he wrote one contrasting similar point in reading and listening passages in one paragraph, and another point in the next

my essay
[color=red]In this set of material, the reading passage discusses the opinion of Jefferson while the listening passage discusses the opinion of Hamliton. The U.S in that period of time was taking shape and it wanted to determine its path. Jefferson and Hamliton had different opinion of what was best for the country.

In the reading passage, Jefferson’s opinion is stated. He thought the best path for US was to be mainly agricultural and he proposed a system of free trade to maintain economical growth. He also supported the idea that the constitution must grant the federal central government a specific amount of power so that the central government will not take any authority that is not granted to it by the constitution, supporting strict interpretation of the constitution. He was one of people who where called Republicans.

In the listening passage, hamliton’s opinion is stated. He thought that the best Path of US to be the industerial path just like that of the british. He approved putting tarifs for imported commodities and imported manufactured goods. In addition he approved broad interpretation of the constitution which grants the central governments additional powers other than those stated in the constitution. He was one of people who where called federals.

sample essay attached as a image

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