Contraction e'en (e'er) if they asked for it


This wasn’t the first time when I met the contraction e’en. (And also e’er)

thefreedictionary says that it is used

[size=134]1[/size] for evening :shock:

2 for even (as I saw it)

Could you give some comments about the contractions?
Where are they (:)) come from and where are they acceptable to be used?
Just purely poetic?

this is e’en so - what does the phrase mean? ‘It is true’ or something else and more?

Hi Tamara,

My advice is don’t use them, have nothing to do with them, shun them, ignore them, disregard them, send them to Coventry, cross over to the other side of the street when they appear and generally avoid them

They are contractions of even and ever and are used by lazy poets who just can’t scan!


could mean it is even so suggesting that’s right. I have heard it is ever so meaning nothing changes.

Just another thought. There’s a word (not contracted) ere, which is a bit old hat and means ‘before’, having Germanic parentage.


Hi Alan!

Thanks for warning for these Scary Monsters! :lol: Till now I myself didn?t come across them, but if, from now on I?ll hide in the bush when I?ll see them and hope not to drive away the two birds in it, so that they also don?t need to handle with e?en or e?er. :shock: :roll:


Hi Alan

Thanks a lot for your warning!

P.S. I have nothing against eve for evening. Especialy New Year’s Eve :slight_smile:



In the light of the sentence quoted above, could you please tell me if the following sentences are correct?

1- My advice is use them.
2- My advice is follow him.
3- My instructions are release her.
4-My order is move out.



I like you sentences with ‘to’ before the verbs, Tom :wink:

Hi Tom

Yes, you could say all of your sentences that way. Alan’s sentence may work in that format a bit more easily/smoothly, though, because his sentence used the negative don’t.

As Pamela mentioned, you can add the word “to” in all of your sentences.

1- My advice is to use them.


There’s also e’en for eve, as in Hallowe’en.

Yes, Conchita, but this is the Scots vocabulary

:shock: :shock: :shock:

Isn’t Hallowe’en of the Scottish origin?

Or my above link (Scots Glossary) isn’t acceptable?