Coming across: I very keen to improve my communications skills...

I’m new to the site but very keen to improve my communications skills. So far I have enjoyed several test here a lot and hope to keep in touch with other motivated English lerners. I’m here because I want to speak/talk more fluently. So, see you guys around. Take care…

Hi Kribha,

We are travelling in the same direction it seems. Unfortunately, I haven’t found even a single soul willing to put up with this stutterer :frowning:

Unless we speak interactively (and not just read, write or listen), how could we improve?
With that said, I should not ask you to read or write further. You are welcome at my skype id gray10i .


Hey nice to meet you Gary.
How can I keep in touch with ur id?
I dont know how to proceed.


If you don’t have skype messenger, you could find me at .
But audio quality at skype is much better :slight_smile:



I think your gmail do better for me to contact you.